Orders are manufactured and shipped from factories in the Middle East and Europe within 15-25 working days. Note that working days do not include weekends and public holidays. 

Our website displays a combination of live shipping rates generated by our carrier partner(s) and flat shipping rates (detailed in the table below) . What you see at checkout will depend on your order value & where you are located. If you do not see any rates, please reach out to us at for a customised shipping price.

Live carrier rates can be calculated by adding address details when viewing your cart. Depending on your location, you may have more than one option to choose from. Rates and delivery times will vary depending on the size, weight and destination of your order. Your order might ship in multiple boxes, depending on the size, weights and types of products in the order. You will receive tracking information for each.


AED 0-9.9K
AED 10K-14.9K
AED 15K+

Live rates
AED 450
AED 550

Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar
AED 0-9.9K
AED 10K-14.9K
AED 15K+

USD 0-2.72K
USD 2.73-3.9K
Live rates
AED 1,300
AED 2,500

Live rates
USD 355
USD 680

Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Malta, UK, Jersey, Ireland, Hungary, Norway, Iceland, Croatia, Czech, Poland, Slovakia, Romania
All values Live rates

KSA, Jordan, Egypt
All values Live rates


In all instances, estimated transit time is typically between 5-14 working days, but could take longer depending on the carrier’s service ability. Bear in mind that delivery time is production lead time + transit time. 

Our shipping prices cover standard deliveries to accessible locations. In the case of kitchens and/or larger palletised shipments that are very heavy, this would be limited to delivery to curb-side or front door of a building. Please note that any additional fees charged by the shipping company as a result of special services for complicated delivery access, re-delivery due to customer absence, an incorrect address, storage fees, failure to pay duties, etc. Will be the sole responsibility of the customer.

Kindly open your packages on receipt of delivery, so that in the rare event of shipping damage or missing items, we can be informed immediately. In order to submit a claim to the carrier, it is essential to capture photos of the damaged packaging and products and to report visible packaging damage as a comment when signing for the delivery. Send photos and an explanation of the circumstances to on receipt of delivery, or within 24 hours. Ensure that you keep all packaging and damaged items, as the shipping company may claim these as part of their damage investigation.

Orders from Zones 1, 2 and 4 will ship from the Middle East. If you are based outside of the UAE you will be asked to pay custom duties/tax on delivery of your order, in accordance with your country's tariffs.
Orders from Zone 3 will ship from within the EU and should not be subject to any additional custom duties/tax. The exception to this would be if you are based outside of the EU, for example, shipments arriving in the United Kingdom will be subject to all relevant duties. If you have any questions regarding shipping, please reach out to us at

These are stock items and can normally be dispatched within 2-3 working days, from order. Transit time is between 5-10 working days depending on your location and the shipping service option you have selected. As our sample boxes are shipped from the UAE, our showroom, you will be asked to pay custom duties on delivery of your order if you are located outside of the UAE. Boutique items are available for delivery only in UAE.